Sunshine State Counseling Center offers parenting classes as well as parenting support through individual and family sessions. Our goal is to assist parents in improving communication, building positive relationships as well as practical solutions and useful parenting skills.
Parenting Adolescents:
One of the most effective parenting strategies with teenagers is to focus on the relationship. Teenagers who are well grounded in their families will respond well to parents’ efforts to stay connected and continue to build their relationship. Parents who have bonded adequately with their children at each earlier stage will feel invested enough in their teenagers to stay connected, even if a lot of effort is required. Through parenting, family sessions and or individual sessions, parents can learn effective strategies to improving the relationship with their teenagers.
Some Common Challenges Parents Face Are:
Defiant behaviors
Resistance during academic tasks
Frequent tantrums
Excessive electronic use
Unmanageable sibling rivalry
Trouble with toilet training
Aggressive and violent behaviors
Ineffective discipline
Complaining and whining
School refusal
Poor eating habits
Breaking the law
Not following directions
Lack of communication with parents