What’s What Wednesday: Safe Hands Group
This week Sunshine State Counseling is focusing on safe space and social skills. We believe educating our children on personal boundaries, safety and self-expression are detrimental for their evolution in the school system. Soon, Sunshine State Counseling will be offering an educational program for children between the ages of 7-10. This four-week Safe Hands program is an educational program that assists children and their caregivers with an understanding of social skills, personal boundaries, communication, self-expression, and safety.
Topics that will be covered in group include:
-Communication: Good Surprises and Bad Secrets
-Strangers vs. People we know
-Good Touch/ Bad Touch
-Body Safety
All covered topics are developmentally appropriate for ages seven to ten. If you have a child or know a child who would benefit from this group, please have their caregiver call us to register at 239-495-7722.